Employee entry, update and exit:

  • Registration of new identities on employee entry
  • Maintenance of existing identities
  • Deletion of identity on employee exit

Time Management
Time Management

Identity Lifecycle Management

In waave, you can use the Identity Lifecycle Management to perform the three typical processes to manage employee data. These include registering the data when an employee joins the company, updating it when the data changes, and deleting it when an employee leaves the company. In waave, these processes are called the New Joiner, Changes and Leaver processes.


Employee onboarding, data maintenance and offboarding: Ensure correct employee data and access rights with waave

Identity Lifecycle Management with waave

With waave the three typical Identity Lifecycle Management processes can be performed. You can use waave to create new digital employee identities and maintain, block or delete existing ones. All of these processes can be executed in multiple stages, ensuring that they meet the exact needs of your company and support you where you want it.

New Joiner: Entry of new employees

With waave, you simplify the process of registering new identities, also known as the New Joiner or Onboarding process. You can register the identity for a new employee in the Universal Directory – waave then creates the required accounts in the target systems such as Active Directory, Microsoft 365, Microsoft Teams or Skype for Business. The required access rights are assigned automatically, manually, or a combination of both, depending on which authorization model you chose. In this way, you reduce your workload and the identities, including the accounts and the required access rights, are available from day one.

  • Creation of accounts and access rights to, for example, Active Directory, Microsoft 365 and Microsoft Teams and Skype for Business
  • Semi or fully automated
  • Reduced workload

Changes: Data maintenance

During the employment relationship, the identities must always be maintained and updated. waave offers you an easy way to maintain the identities centrally. Therefore you only have to update the data in the Universal Directory. If you have connected waave to your HR system, the changes can be entered directly there. In both cases, waave updates the data in all connected target systems. This way, you ensure that the data is identical in all systems. At the same time, you reduce the amount of work involved, since you only need to enter the data once.

  • Automated updates
  • Overview of the data in all target systems such as Active Directory, Microsoft 365, Microsoft Teams or Skype for Business
  • Current and uniform data in all systems at any time

Leaver: Employee exit

waave grants you an easy and central offboarding thanks to the multi-step Leaver process. This could look like this: If an employee leaves your company, firstly waave deactivates his account, secondly waave revokes the access rights and thirdly the account will be deleted. The user name and e-mail adress are automatically blocked, this ensures that the employee can no longer access any company data after leaving the company. You can also reduce licence costs, as unnecessary licences are removed automatically.

  • Scheduled deletion of access rights and accounts to, for example, Active Directory, Microsoft 365 and Microsoft Teams
  • Blocking user names and e-mail addresses
  • Savings of not needed license costs

Connection to your HR system

If you use an HR system to manage employee data, it can be connected to waave. In this case, waave receives the data from this system and manages the identities by regularly comparing the data of the Universal Directory with the data of the HR system.

If an employee's data already exists in the HR system, but does not yet in the Universal Directory, waave creates a new employee identity through the New Joiner process.

If the data in the HR system does not match the data in the Active Directory, waave starts the Change process for the corresponding identity. Based on a data comparison, waave updates the data in all target systems.

If a leaving date has been defined for an employee in the HR system, the Leaver process is started at the given time. This process can be divided into several process steps: In the first step, for example, the account can be deactivated, in a second step the access rights can be revoked, and in a last step the account can be deleted.

All three processes are either started by an approval or fully automated by waave. Then waave creates, updates, blocks or deletes the employee identity in the Universal Directory and then the accounts and access rights to the target systems.

  • Reduced workload thanks to semi or full automation
  • Creation, updating, blocking and deletion of accounts and access rights
  • Update in all target systems such as Active Directory, Microsoft 365 and Microsoft Teams
  • Up-to-date and uniform data in all systems at all times
  • Overview thanks to data comparison