The Universal Directory is the central administration of waave. It is a directory of all digital employee identities and access rights. The data listed in the Universal Directory is synchronized with various target systems such as Active Directory and Microsoft 365.
Manage your employee accounts and access rights automatically and centrally with our Identity and Access Management solution waave
Centralized administration and overview
The Universal Directory serves as the central directory and is the hub of waave: Here you will find all identities and roles that are stored in waave.Furthermore, you can create new identities and edit existing ones as well as manage the different roles for access rights.
Overview of all identities and roles
Management of identities
Connection to your HR system
waave acts as a linking system between your HR system and the target systems used in your company such as Microsoft 365, Microsoft Teams or Active Directory. When a new employee is entered into the HR system, waave then automatically synchronizes the necessary data with the target systems and creates the accounts and access rights. To do this, waave only obtains the data from the HR system that it really needs to create the accounts and access rights.
Traceability thanks to change history
You can also view the details of an identity and the history of its changes. This history shows you who changed which data of an identity and when, and who had access to which systems at what time. In this way you increase data protection within your company.
Access to details of an identity
History of data changes
Connection to target systems
By creating a new identity in the Universal Directory, waave synchronizes it with the target systems. Connections for Microsoft 365, Active Directory, Microsoft Teams and various others are already available as standard. If you need additional connections, we will be happy to develop them for you.
Standard connection to target systems such as Active Directory or Microsoft 365
We are happy to develop further connections
Individual forms and input fields
We adapt the user interface to manage the identities according to your needs: You decide which input fields the user interface should have or how this data should be displayed in the corresponding target systems.
Forms and input fields that meet your requirements
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